Let's take a look at robot 10, which resembles an animal or an insect among the robots produced by mankind

Let's take a look at robot 10, which resembles an animal or an insect among the robots produced by mankind.
I would like to have a household robotic assistant for home.

- Image information -

1. Spotmini
- http://www.bostondynamics.com/
- source: https://youtu.be/tf7IEVTDjng

2. WildCat
- http://www.bostondynamics.com/
- source: https://youtu.be/LJZQ3n-iQYE

3. Bionicants
- https://www.festo.com/bionic
- source: https://youtu.be/FFsMMToxxls

4. BionicKangaroo
- https://www.festo.com/bionic
- source: https://youtu.be/mWiNlWk1Muw

5. MIT Robotic Cheetah
- http://news.mit.edu/
- source: https://youtu.be/XMKQbqnXXhQ

6. BionicOpter
- https://www.festo.com/bionic
- source: https://youtu.be/nj1yhz5io20

7. Penguin
- https://www.festo.com/bionic
- source: https://youtu.be/jPGgl5VH5go, https://youtu.be/u8tfES8gImc

8. eMotionButterflies
- https://www.festo.com/bionic
- source: https://youtu.be/1gu3z7w4Vc8

- https://www.festo.com/bionic
- source: https://youtu.be/nnR8fDW3Ilo

10. Pleurobot
- source: https://youtu.be/lfBWs8lWmv0

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